First lecture tomorrow at 18:15 in Z6 building

First lecture tomorrow at 18:15 in Z6 building

di Ingo Scholtes -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students 

This is a brief reminder that the first lecture of our course "Introduction to Informatics" will take place tomorow, Tuesday from 18:15 - 19:45 in lecture hall 0.002 in the Z6 building on the Hubland campus. A map showing the location of the Z6 building is available here.

For those students who will not be able to be in Würzburg at the beginning of the semester, we will hold the first few lectures in a hybrid format via Zoom. Please use the following Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 633 1142 5231
Password: 327809

I am looking forward to meet you tomorrow! 

Kind regards

Ingo Scholtes