Hi All,
I set up a Zoom meeting room for us to use for our chat the 22nd. Skype has been a little fickle, so Zoom may be our best bet.
Here is the invite:
Topic: Grad Writing Group
Time: Jun 22, 2020 02:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 5386 7799
Password: 957049
One tap mobile
+493056795800,,99353867799#,,1#,957049# Germany
+496950502596,,99353867799#,,1#,957049# Germany
Dial by your location
+49 30 5679 5800 Germany
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
Meeting ID: 993 5386 7799
Password: 957049
Find your local number: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/u/ac5SfNlhRe
I hope the 22nd at 16h still works well for everyone, but if we need to make changes just say the word! So looking forward to seeing you all soon.