Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

av Borttagen användare -
Antal svar: 10

Subscribe to this discussion topic if you are interested in exchanging ideas about the conference panel Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate. 
Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic! You can also post questions. 

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Re: Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

av Borttagen användare -
Hi all, I am having problems to get into the conference this morning. Is ther any problem?
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Re: Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

av Borttagen användare -
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Re: Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

av Borttagen användare -
you can use this link:
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Re: Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate

av Borttagen användare -
Dear all,
we are very sorry about the technical problems and hope that you were able to find the other zoom room (cf. group messaging and the new topic in this discussion forum)!