

    Welcome to the Summer Module Course "Affective Intentionality in Medieval Philosophy and Phenomenology"!
    University of Würzburg, Department of Philosophy, July 26–30
  • Interactive Experience 'Affective Intentionality'


    Links below


    • Texts:

      William of Ockham “On Pleasures, Pain, and Distress”, Quaestiones Variae, q.6, a.9 (OTh VIII, 251-272), in: Eric Hagedorn (transl. & ed.), William of Ockham. Questions on Virtue, Goodness, and the Will, Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

      E. Husserl (2021). Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins. Dordrecht: Springer. Volume 3, Text Nr 6: „Passivität und Spontanität im doxischen Gebiet und im Willengebiet“.

      E. Stein (1922). Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften. In: Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung 5 – Section 1, Chapter IV.

    • Texts:

      Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Prima Secundae, questio 22, articulus 3 and quaestio 23.

      Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception, transl. by Colin Smith, London/New York: Routledge 2005: 429-446 (Phénoménologie de la Perception, Paris: Gallimard 1945, 423-439).

      Paul Ricœur: Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary, transl. by Erazim V. Kohák, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press: 250-263 (Philosophie de la volonté I: Le volontaire et l’involontaire), Paris: Aubier 1950: 235-247.

    • Texts:

      Avicenna, The Canon of Medicine, 5 vols, ed. by Laleh Bakhtiar, Chicago: Great books of the Islamic world, 1999–2014: excerpts from volume I and volume III.

      M. Heidegger, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude, trans. W. McNeill and N. Walker, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1995, 132–159.

    • Texts:


      Thomas Aquinas: Summa theologiae: Excerpts from STh I-II, q.22-25.

      Stephan Strasser: Phenomenology of Feelings. An Essay on the Phenomena of the Heart. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press 1977: Excerpts from Ch. 7-9.


      Martin Pickavé: On the Intentionality of the Emotions (and Other Appetitive Acts). In Fabrizio Amerini (ed.): Quaestio 10/2010. Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality. Turnhout: Brepols, 45-63.

    • Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority, trans. Alphonso Lingis, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press 1969: “Transcendence of as the Ideal of Infinity” (48–51),“Living from ... (Enjoyment): The Notion of Accomplishment (110–114), “Affectivity as the Ipseity of the I” (117–119), “Ethics and the Face” (197–201). 

      Emmanuel Levinas, Existence and Existents, trans. Alphonso Lingis, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press 2001: “Intentions” (27–25). 

      George Bataille, Erotism: Death and Sensuality, trans. Mary Dalwood, San Francisco: City Lights Books 1986: “Introduction” (11–25), “Erotism and Inner Experience” (38–39). 

      Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, trans. Alfred J. Freddoso, <https:// www3.nd.edu/~afreddos/summa-translation/TOC.htm>, 2018: “Of Enjoyment (fruitio)” (I-II, q. 11). 

      Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue, trans. Suzanne Noffke, New York: Paulist Press 1980: Prologue (25–27), ch. 50–51 (102–105). 

      Hadewijch, The Complete Works, trans. Columba Hart, New York: Paulist Press 1980: Letter 9 (66), Letter 18 (85–88). 

      William of St Thierry, The Golden Epistle, trans. Theodore Berkeley, Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications 1980: nn. 234–7 (87–88), 249–258 (92–94), 264–275 (96– 99).


    13:00 WELCOME
    Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

    13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
    Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

    Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Graz): Love and Critique: Re-Calibrating the Phenomenological Mind

    15:30 - 16:30 READING SESSIONS
    Zoom-meeting room of your Mon-Tue reading group.

    17:30 - 18:30 WESTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate
    Matías Ignacio Pizzi (Buenos Aires): The Phenomenological Counter-Intentionality of the Icon
    Comment: Annika Hand (Landau)

    Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel & Reading Session Emotion and Volition
    Micaela Szeftel (Buenos Aires): The Role of Atmosphere and Attunements in the Intersubjective Constitution of Feelings
    Comment: Alexandra Pavlova (Vienna)

    Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel and Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
    Maria Ceperano (Naples): Melancholy and Writing: When Pain Becomes Necessary
    Comment: Alessandro Cazzola (Ferrara)

    Zoom-meeting room (5) Panel and Reading Session Borderline Case Affectivity
    R. Andrew Krema (Chicago): Husserl and Scheler on Wertnehmung: Back to Augustine?
    Comment: Micah Philipps-Gary (Wooster, OH)


    11:00 - 12:00 EASTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel & Reading Session Emotion and Volition
           Zixuan Liu (Guangzhou): What is Passivity and Activity?
           Comment: Haoqin Jin (Hangzhou)

    Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel and Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
           Juan Velázquez (Zaragoza): Augustinus' amor and timor as Fundamental Moods in
                                                       Scheler and Heidegger Controversy about the
                                                       Ontological Roots of Intentionality
           Comment: Tareq Ayoub (KU Leuven)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Ryan Beaupré (Leuven): Aquinas on Emotions and Unconscious Objects
           Comment: Tue Svoso (Berlin)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Tue Svøvsø (Berlin): Self-awareness and Affective Intentionality in the Stoic Theory
                                            of Oikeiōsis
           Comment: Morena Castro (Paris / Copenhagen)

    13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
    Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

    Martin Pickavé (Toronto): Medieval Discussions Concerning the Intentionality of Our Emotions

    15:30 - 16:30 READING SESSIONS
    Zoom-meeting room of your Mon-Tue reading group.

    17:30 - 18:30 WESTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate
           Claire Murphy (Notre Dame): Truth, Flesh, Chiasm: Aquinas and Merleau-Ponty on
                                                         Indeterminacy in Embodied Knowledge
           Comment: R. Jordan Lavender (Notre Dame)

    Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel & Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
           Giulia Salzano (Naples): Phenomenology of a Paralysis. Evelyne: A Melancholic
           Comment: Gage Krause (New York)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Vanessa Ossino (Berlin): Existential Feelings as a "Style" of Experience and
                                                   Anticipatory Structure
           Comment: Roberto Saracino (Bologna)


      13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
      Jan Slaby (Berlin): Intentionality's Breaking Point: Lessons from Grief

      15:30 - 16:30 READING SESSIONS
      Zoom-meeting room of your Wed-Thur reading group.

      Zoom-meeting room will be announced in due time

      11:00 - 12:00 EASTERN CONFERENCE
      Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel & Reading Session Emotion and Volition
             Emanuela Carta (Fribourg): Reflective Emotions and Virtues
             Comment: Zhang Lin (Hangzhou)

      Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel and Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
             Joni Puranen (Jyväskylä): Intrusive Organs: Toward a Phenomenology of Somatic
                                                      Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
             Comment: Mala Dengkeng (Rotterdam)

      Zoom-meeting room (5) Panel and Reading Session Borderline Case Affectivity
             Francesco Pisano (Florence): On the Modality of Affections
             Comment: Jana Koch (Vienna)

      13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
      Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

      Sonja Schierbaum (Würzburg): Passions of the Will in Ockham

      15:30 - 16:30 READING SESSIONS
      Zoom-meeting room of your Wed-Thur reading group.

      17:30 - 18:30 WESTERN CONFERENCE
      Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate
             R. Jordan Lavender (Notre Dame): Two Concepts of the Intentionality of Affectivity in
                                                                     the 14th Century
             Comment: R. Andrew Krema (Chicago)

      Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel & Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
             Alexis Delamare (Rouen): Emotion as Attitude, Emotion as Value Perception. The
                                                      Problem of the Specificity of Affective Intentionality in
                                                      Husserl's Phenomenology
             Comment: Alessandro Colleoni (Modena-Paris)

      Zoom-meeting room (5) Panel and Reading Session Borderline Cas Affectivity
             Riccardo Iannacone (Pisa): The Mind-Body Dichotomy in Affective Phenomena. A
                                                         Pre-Intentional Perspective
             Comment: Michael Kramer (Pittsburgh)

    • FRIDAY

      11:00 - 12:00 EASTERN CONFERENCE
      Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality, Determinate and Indeterminate
             Alessandro Guardascione (Naples): Object and Life. Consciousness as Striving: The
                                                                      Case of Curiosity
             Comment: Sara Dameno (Bologna/Würzburg)

      Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel and Reading Session Emotion and Volition
             Ting Zhang (Peking): Aquinas on Love and Free Choice
             Comment: Francesco Malaguti (Modena)

      Zoom-meeting room (4) Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
             Nicolò Lorenzetto (Trieste): The Problem of the Intentionality of Religious Feelings:
                                                         Reflections on the Structure of Saint Ignatius of Loyola´s
                                                         "Consolation without Preceding Cause"
             Comment: Morena Castro (Paris / Copenhagen)

      Zoom-meeting room (5) Panel and Reading Session Borderline Case Affectivity
             Ulrike Hillerkuß (Galway): Affectivity and Attention
             Comment: Jonas Vanbrabant (Ghent)

      13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
      Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

      Stefano Micali (Leuven): Intentional Shifts and Blindspots in Traumatic Experience

      15:00 GOODBYE