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Gender: Male
Residency: Rouen, France
Affiliation: Université de Rouen-Normandie/Universität Heidelberg 
Position: PhD Student
Area of study:


Study or research interests:

I am currently a PhD Student in Philosophy, involved in a cotutelle program between Rouen University (France) - under the direction of Pr. Natalie Depraz, and Heidelberg University (Germany) - under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Fuchs. My thesis focuses on Husserl's phenomenology of emotions and affectivity. More broadly, I am interested in the context of Husserl's views on affects, in particular the other members of the Brentano's School (Brentano himself, Stumpf, Meinong), the phenomenologists from the Munich circle (Pfänder, Geiger), or Husserl's own students (Scheler, Heidegger). I also try and connect Husserl's philosophy of emotions to contemporary issues and debates, especially regarding the role played by cognitive experiences in affective acts or the the possibility of an emotional knowledge of values.