Lecture - Fundamental Concepts
4. Receiver Response
4.3. Sampling, weighting, gridding
As previously mentioned, the visibilities are only measured at discrete locations . Therefore, the measured visibilities are given by the multiplication of the true visibility function
and a sampling function
. Hence, the dirty image
is then given by the convolution of their Fourier transforms:
in which denotes the Fourier transform of
and the double-star
indicates a two-dimensional convolution.
Furthermore, as also previously mentioned, the visibilities can be weighted by multiplying a weighting function to the visibilities
This weighting function consists of three individual factors:
accounts for different telescope properties within an array (e.g. different
is a taper that controls the beam shape,
weights the density of the measured visibilities.
The -factor affects the angular resolution and sensitivity of the array. On the one hand side, the highest angular resolution can be achieved by weighting the visibilities as if they had been measured uniformly over the entire
-plane. Therefore, this weighting scheme is called uniform weighting. Since the density of the measured visibilities is higher at the center of the
-plane, the visibilities in the outer part are over-weighted leading to the highest angular resolution. On the other hand, the highest sensitivity is achieved if all measured visibilities are weighted by identical weights. This weighting scheme is called natural weighting. The main properties of both schemes are summarized in the following:
- uniform weighting:
With this weighting function , the dirty image
is given by
To use the time advantage of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, the visibilities must be interpolated onto a regular grid of size , resulting in an image of size
. This interpolation, also called gridding, is done at first by convolving the weighted discrete visibility
with an appropriate function
to obtain a continuous visibility distribution. This continuous visibility distribution is then resampled at points of the regular grid with spacings
by multiplying a two-dimensional Shah-function
, given by
After these modifications, the visibility is given by
and the dirty image reads
This gridding process is illustrated in the Fig. 2.29, in which real -tracks measured by the IRAM interferometer at Plateau de Bure in France are shown as black dotted ellipses. Furthermore, a regular grid, onto which the visibilities have been interpolated, is shown as red dots.
Since the sampling intervals and
in the
-plane are inversely proportional to the sampling intervals
in the image plane (
for a grid of size
), the maximum map size in one domain is given by the minimum sampling interval in the other. Therefore, it is important to choose appropriate sampling intervals
. If
are chosen to be too large for example, this will result in artefacts in the image plane produced by reflections of structures from the map edges, which is called aliasing.
The most effective way to deal with this aliasing is to use a convolution function for which the Fourier transform in the image plane
decreases rapidly at the image edges and is nearly constant over the image. Therefore, the simplest choice for the convolution function
is a rectangular function, but with this choice the aliasing would be strongest. A better choice would be a sinc function, however a Gaussian-sinc function (product of a Gaussian and a sinc function) leads to the best suppression of aliasing.
Finally, the gridding modifications must be corrected after the Fourier transform by dividing the dirty image by the inverse Fourier transform of the gridding convolution function
. Therefore, the so-called grid-corrected image
is given by