Demokurs: Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
Aggregazione dei criteri
2. Outlook: Content of the Course
- 1. Functions
1.1. Linear and Quadratic Functions
1.2. Power Functions, Polynomials and Power Series
1.3. The Exponential Function and Growth
1.4. Trigonometric Functions
1.5. Multivariable Functions
1.6. Curves and Maps
1.7. Exercises
2. Equations
2.1. Basic Concepts and Solving Methods
2.2. Linear and Quadratic Equations
2.3. Trigonometric Equations
2.4. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
2.5. Complex numbers
2.6. Exercises
3. Sequences and Limits
3.1. Introduction to sequences
3.2. Different ways of defining a sequence
3.3. Important examples of sequences
3.4. Basic properties of sequences
3.5. Limit of a function
3.6. Operations with limits
3.7. Continuity of a function
3.8. Properties of continuous functions
3.9. Exercises
4. Differentiation
4.1. Derivative
4.2. Properties of derivative
4.3. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
4.4. The Chain Rule
4.5. The Exponential Function and the Logarithm
4.6. Extremal Value Problems
4.7. Exercices
5. Integration
5.1. The Concept
5.2. Fundamental theorem of calculus
5.3. Integrals of elementary functions
5.4. Integration techniques
5.5. Applications
5.6. Exercises
6. Differential Equations
6.1. Differential Equation
6.2. Solving a 1st order ODE
6.3. 2nd and higher order ODEs
6.4. Exercises