خيارات التسجيل

Seminar in Natural Language Processing. BSc/MSc Seminar in Natural Language Processing (08 151300, I-SEMx-1S)
2 SWS, 08 151260, biweekly meetings, block session (close to end of the semester)

Topic: Deep(er) and Sustainable? Efficient Natural Language Processing

Format: Each student chooses between one of three concrete sub-topics related to computational efficiency of modern (deep) NLP models. For each topic, one or two seminal papers will be provided as the starting point for the seminar exploration

Deliverables: The students will organize their findings and present them (1) in front of the teaching staff and colleagues (15 minute presentations in the block session close to the end of the semester, exact date to be announced) and (2) in the form of a discussion paper (6-8 pages) that critically summarizes the state of the art in the subarea/topic of efficient NLP they investigated
الانضمام الذاتي (Student)
الانضمام الذاتي (Student)