Schema della sezione
In this seminar, we look at standard combinatorial problems like shortest path problems, knapsack, etc in cases where the inout parameters are uncertain. We learn about different concepts on how to define "optimality" under uncertainty, and a how to find such "optimal" solutions algorithmically.
As usual for seminars, in the session the students will present an academic paper on the topic and write a report.
The courses AGT/GudO (or similar introductions to optimization and algorithms on graphs) are prerequisites for this seminar.
If interested, please sign in for the WueCampus course using password OuU.
Here you can ask any questions/start discussions that may also be interesting for the others in the course
Please upload your slides here after your presentations, so that all can see them.
Bitte bis 4.8.24, 23:59 die Reports als pdf abgeben.
Bitte beachtet die Vorgaben, die wir dazu in der ersten Session besprochen haben (siehe Slides erste Session)
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