
Operations research deals with the development and application of analytical methods to improve decision-making. One important sub-discipline of operations research, and the one that this lecture concentrates on, is mathematical programming, or, more precisely: integer linear programming.

Integer linear programs can be used to model and solve a wide variety of decision making problems, from stylized combinatorial problems, to ‘messy’ real-world problems in applications like transport, energy management, scheduling, healthcare, humanitarian aid, or even computer memory allocation. During the course, you will become familiar with a variety of such applications.

The main focus on the lectures, however, is on methods for mathematical programming. We start with the basic methods of linear programming and integer linear programming, like the simplex method, branch-and-bound and cutting planes. The time that we spend on these topics depends on the students’ preknowledge – anything between a brief recap and a thorough discussion is possible: We will decide on this together in the first session on October 18. The remainder of the time will be spent on extensions like multicriteria optimization, optimization under uncertainty (stochastic and robust optimization), and, if time allows, methods for non-linear optimization.

Interested? Please inscribe for the course on WueCampus using password OR.

Last but not least: There is also a seminar on optimization in passenger transport (listed under the German name “Seminar Optimierung im Passagiertransport”, but can be held in English)– which focusses on the modeling of different planning and control problems in passenger transport as optimization problems and, in this sense, complements this course very well.

Selbsteinschreibung (Student)
Selbsteinschreibung (Student)