The Future is Female. Really? The classic slogan of 1970s feminism does not quite ring true in 2022. Particularly in the United States in which reproductive and privacy rights have been dramatically impacted by the overturning of Roe versus Wade, the prospect of feminist future seems unlikely. The present rather feels like a rollback to a decidedly unequal past.
This course uses this historical juncture to assess feminism as a historical movement, analytical project, and mode of social engagement. the current interest in feminism. To these ends, we will consider the longer history or "waves" of feminism since the 18th century. However, primary emphasis will be placed on touchstone texts of twentieth century feminism in dialogue with more recent twentieth-century texts and developments. Readings will include works by Audre Lorde, Betty Friedan, Laura Mulvey, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, Iris Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Roxane Gay, Sandy Stone, and Julia Serano among others.
This course uses this historical juncture to assess feminism as a historical movement, analytical project, and mode of social engagement. the current interest in feminism. To these ends, we will consider the longer history or "waves" of feminism since the 18th century. However, primary emphasis will be placed on touchstone texts of twentieth century feminism in dialogue with more recent twentieth-century texts and developments. Readings will include works by Audre Lorde, Betty Friedan, Laura Mulvey, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, Iris Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Roxane Gay, Sandy Stone, and Julia Serano among others.
- Dozent: Mary Ann Snyder-Körber