Schema della sezione

  • 11:00 - 12:00 EASTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality, Determinate and Indeterminate
           Alessandro Guardascione (Naples): Object and Life. Consciousness as Striving: The
                                                                    Case of Curiosity
           Comment: Sara Dameno (Bologna/Würzburg)

    Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel and Reading Session Emotion and Volition
           Ting Zhang (Peking): Aquinas on Love and Free Choice
           Comment: Francesco Malaguti (Modena)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Nicolò Lorenzetto (Trieste): The Problem of the Intentionality of Religious Feelings:
                                                       Reflections on the Structure of Saint Ignatius of Loyola´s
                                                       "Consolation without Preceding Cause"
           Comment: Morena Castro (Paris / Copenhagen)

    Zoom-meeting room (5) Panel and Reading Session Borderline Case Affectivity
           Ulrike Hillerkuß (Galway): Affectivity and Attention
           Comment: Jonas Vanbrabant (Ghent)

    13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
    Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

    Stefano Micali (Leuven): Intentional Shifts and Blindspots in Traumatic Experience

    15:00 GOODBYE