Lista de secções

  • 11:00 - 12:00 EASTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (2) Panel & Reading Session Emotion and Volition
           Zixuan Liu (Guangzhou): What is Passivity and Activity?
           Comment: Haoqin Jin (Hangzhou)

    Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel and Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
           Juan Velázquez (Zaragoza): Augustinus' amor and timor as Fundamental Moods in
                                                       Scheler and Heidegger Controversy about the
                                                       Ontological Roots of Intentionality
           Comment: Tareq Ayoub (KU Leuven)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Ryan Beaupré (Leuven): Aquinas on Emotions and Unconscious Objects
           Comment: Tue Svoso (Berlin)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Tue Svøvsø (Berlin): Self-awareness and Affective Intentionality in the Stoic Theory
                                            of Oikeiōsis
           Comment: Morena Castro (Paris / Copenhagen)

    13:30 - 15:00 LECTURE
    Zoom-meeting room (0) Lectures and Social Program

    Martin Pickavé (Toronto): Medieval Discussions Concerning the Intentionality of Our Emotions

    15:30 - 16:30 READING SESSIONS
    Zoom-meeting room of your Mon-Tue reading group.

    17:30 - 18:30 WESTERN CONFERENCE
    Zoom-meeting room (1) Panel & Reading Session Intentionality: Determinate and Indeterminate
           Claire Murphy (Notre Dame): Truth, Flesh, Chiasm: Aquinas and Merleau-Ponty on
                                                         Indeterminacy in Embodied Knowledge
           Comment: R. Jordan Lavender (Notre Dame)

    Zoom-meeting room (3) Panel & Reading Session Transformations of Melancholy
           Giulia Salzano (Naples): Phenomenology of a Paralysis. Evelyne: A Melancholic
           Comment: Gage Krause (New York)

    Zoom-meeting room (4) Panel and Reading Session Guiding Directedness? Affectivity and Feelings as (Pre-)Intentional Spheres
           Vanessa Ossino (Berlin): Existential Feelings as a "Style" of Experience and
                                                   Anticipatory Structure
           Comment: Roberto Saracino (Bologna)