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Introduction to programming with Python
Lecture slides L03
Lecture slides L03
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Lecture slides L03.pdf
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◄ Lecture slides L02
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News and Announcements
Results of Final Exam "Introduction to Informatics for Jurists"
Results of Final Exam "Introduction to Informatics for Students From All Faculties"
Full Lecture Script
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gitLab Repository
Lecture L01 - Motivation (1x1)
Lecture L01 - Motivation (4x4)
Lecture L02 - Digital Data Representation and Logics (1x1)
Lecture L02 - Digital Data Representation and Logics (4x4)
Lecture L02 - Digital Data Representation and Logics (with solutions, 1x1)
Lecture L02 - Digital Data Representation and Logics (with solutions, 4x4)
Lecture L03 - Computer Architecture and HW/SW Interface (1x1)
Lecture L03 - Computer Architecture and HW/SW Interface (4x4)
Lecture 04 - Programming Languages (1x1)
Lecture 04 - Programming Languages (4x4)
Lecture 05 - Algorithmic Thinking I (1x1)
Lecture 05 - Algorithmic Thinking I (4x4)
Lecture 06 - Algorithmic Thinking II (1x1)
Lecture 06 - Algorithmic Thinking II (4x4)
Lecture 07 - Machine Learning and AI I (1x1)
Lecture 07 - Machine Learning and AI I (4x4)
Lecture 08 - Machine Learning and AI II (1x1)
Lecture 08 - Machine Learning and AI II (4x4)
Lecture 09 - Data Storage and FIle Systems (1x1)
Lecture 09 - Data Storage and FIle Systems (4x4)
Lecture 10 - Database Systems (1x1)
Lecture 10 - Database Systems (4x4)
Lecture 11 - Communication Networks and Internet Protocols (1x1)
Lecture 11 - Communication Networks and Internet Protocols (4x4)
Lecture 12 - Internet Applications and WWW (1x1)
Lecture 12 - Internet Applications and WWW (4x4)
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercisie 8
Exercise 9
Exercise 9
Exercise 9
Exercise 10 / Exam Preperation
Exercise 10 / Solution
Lecture slides L01
Lecture slides L02
Lecture slides L04
Lecture slides L05
Lecture slides L06
Lecture slides L07
Lecture slides L08
Lecture slides L09
Lecture slides L10
Lecture slides L11
Lecture slides L04 ►
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