Glossary - Abbreviations
ADU - analog to digital unit
AXAF - Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility
CCD - charge-coupled device
CMY - cyan-magenta-yellow (color space)
CTE - charge transfer efficiency
DFT - discrete Fourier transform
DM - data mining
EHT - Event Horizon Telescope
ERS-2 - ESA's Remote Sensing Satellite
ESO - European Southern Observatory
EUVE - Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
FCFV - fully coded field of view
FFT - fast Fourier transform
FITS - flexible image transport system
FOV - field of view
FT - Fourier transform
FWHM - full width half maximum
GC - Galactic center
GMRT - Giant Metrewave Telescope
GRB - gamma-ray burst
HDF - Hubble deep field
HST - Hubble Space Telescope
HSV - hue-saturation-value (color space)
ICT - information and computation technology
IFT - inverse Fourier transform
InSAR - interferometric synthetic aperture radar
IR - infra red
ISM - inter-stellar medium
ITRF - international terrestrial reference frame
LUT - look-up table
M... - designation of the Messier catalog
MCP - micro channel plate
MEM - maximum entropy method
NGC... - New General Catalog
NOAO - National Optical Astronomy Observatory
NRAO - National Radio Astronomical Observatory
OCT - optical coherence tomography
PSF - point spread function
QE - quantum efficiency
RFI - radio frequency interference
RGB - red-green-blue (color space)
SNR - signal to noise ration / supernova remnant
SRTM - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
STScI - Space Telescope Science Institute
SVG - scalable vector graphic
UV - ultra violet
VHE - very-high energy
VLBA - Very Long Baseline Array
VLBI - very long baseline interferometry