1. Who should I contact if I have difficulties with my exercises?

The tutorials and the exercises of this course are supervised by a teaching assistant mentioned in the course description and the forum. Write them an e-mail. On working days, the answer will usually come within 24 hours.

2. The answers in the learning quizzes are given in a weird German-English mix. How can I avoid this?

Some settings within different sub-softwares are generated internally which may cause weird language mixes. If you set the language in the course setup to 'English', the answers will be uniformly in English.

3. Some applications in the course lecture are not working. What is going on?

Make sure that you use the latest versions of your browser.  Sometimes a specific combination of operating system, browser and hardware will generate incompatibilities. Try another browser; Chrome, Firefox, and Safari work best in most cases.

4. I have problems installing Virtual Box / Virtual Box is not working correctly. What should I do?

Please make sure to read and follow the installation instruction here. If it is still not working, contact your teaching assistant.

5. The course pages look weirdly stretched/off. What can I do?

Please make sure to run your display in Full-HD mode, ideally with a resolution of 1920x1080, no system-wide or browser scaling and use the full screen with the browser.

6. How can put my exercise results into a tarballed file?

Please put all output files into a tarball file. This can easily be done by opening a terminal and typing "tar -czvf exerciseX.tar.gz /path/to/dir", where exerciseX is the name of the resulting tarball file and /path/to/dir is the path to the directory that you want to tarball.

7. How do I upload the tarball file?

Just open Firefox from within the virtual machine and upload your file to wuecampus.

8. My Virtual Machine is not working anymore. What should I do?

If your virtual machine stops working or you encounter any errors, please re-download the image (.ova file), remove the old virtual machine and re-add it as explained in the instructions.

9. I can't make the deadline for the submission of the exercise. Can I get an extension?

Unfortunately not, since a general sample solution for each exercise will be made available the day after the submission deadline. However, the submission of the exercises is not a requirement for the participation in the exam at the end of the course. 

10. Is there any content that is not available at the beginning/will be made available during the course?

Everything will be accessible from the start. However, in order to access new chapters you have to pass the quiz of the previous chapter. The only constraints are the submission deadlines for the exercises. Check the timetable at the top of the main page to see when the deadlines are. 

11. Will there be an opportunity to re-sit the exam?

No, there will be no re-sit. 

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 31. März 2022, 09:49