Registration second exam

Registration second exam

by Daniel Weller -
Number of replies: 3


unfortunately I can not register for the second exam. I get the message that I am already registered. But I think the registration is for the first exam from the summer semester. Can anyone else not register for the second exam in the winter semester?

In reply to Daniel Weller

Re: Registration second exam

by Goran Glavaš -
Hi Daniel,

That sounds odd. So far, no other students have reported the problem to us (but the registration is open until Sep 30, so perhaps they didn't try to register yet). 

Another thing is that we haven't yet sealed the grades from the first exam in the system, perhaps this is the reason. I'm currently on vacation until Sep 19, and I'll upload and seal the grades on Sep 20th the latest. 

If the problem persists after that, then please contact Florian Metzger ( 

In reply to Goran Glavaš

Re: Registration second exam

by Muhammad Usman Butt -
I am facing the similar problem. 😐
Attachment Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 3.06.10 PM.png
In reply to Muhammad Usman Butt

Re: Registration second exam

by Marina Zangerle -
I had this problem with another exam and it was explained to me that as long as the grades are not entered in wuestudy, the exam is not completed in the system (that is also why the first IR exam is still displayed on the certificate of registered exams in wuestudy). Only when the grades are entered, the system knows that the exam is completed, who has passed and who has not. After that, the exam registration for the second exam should be released.