Question about exercice sheet 3

Question about exercice sheet 3

di Utente eliminato -
Numero di risposte: 2

In the revelance feedback part ex3 for example on q1(banana) why is it 2?

It shouldnt be q1(banana)=1*q0banana+1*(d1+d2)banana-1*d3banana=1+2-0=3?

Best regards,

In riposta a Utente eliminato

Re: Question about exercice sheet 3

di Utente eliminato -
Because we have two relevant documents, we have to take the average of the relevant frequencys -> (1+1)/2
The whole calculation looks like this:
q1(banana) = 1 * 1 + 1 * ((1+1)/2) - 1 * 0 = 2