Exam Date

Exam Date

by Maryam Ghassemi -
Number of replies: 4


I am writing to ask you about the exam date and whether it is finalized or not.



In reply to Maryam Ghassemi

Re: Exam Date

by Goran Glavaš -
Hi Maryam,

The date has not been finalized yet (I'm hoping for final confirmation by Tuesday next week), but it is likely to stay the current date and time: July 25th 12-14.

In reply to Goran Glavaš

Re: Exam Date

by Muhammad Qamar Amin -
Hi Goran,

Please schedule the exam on a date other than July 26th and July 27th as I have other exams on those days. I have the Data Mining exam on July 27th and the ICG exam on July 26th.
In reply to Muhammad Qamar Amin

Re: Exam Date

by Goran Glavaš -
Hi Muhammad,

The exam will stay on July 25th, as initially planned. IR is a relatively large exam that requires two large rooms (Turing and Zuse) to be booked and can therefore cannot be moved to any other slot.

The exam schedules are made centrally *at the faculty level*, taking into account the constraints with rooms and capacities: while the lecturers may express preferences, it is not us who have a final say on the dates and times of exams.

In reply to Goran Glavaš

Re: Exam Date

by Haris Zenovic -

Hi prof,

I'm writing regarding the confusion about the exam time, you have confirmed the date, can you please create an announcement or reply about the exam's exact time? 

Kind Regards,