Lecture 4 (tomorrow, 16.5.2023) online per Zoom

Lecture 4 (tomorrow, 16.5.2023) online per Zoom

بواسطة - Goran Glavaš
عدد الردود: 0

Dear all,

Due to a minor health issue (my ability to walk/move is limited this week), the lecture tomorrow will be held online rather than in person. You'll find the Zoom details below (the Zoom call will be open from 10.00, but we'll start at 10.15 as usual).  

The lecture will be recorded and the video uploaded afterwards. 




Zoom details

Topic: Information Retrieval (SoSe 23): Lecture 4 (Vector Space Model)

Time: May 16, 2023 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

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Meeting ID: 656 3600 9864

Password: 257533

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Meeting ID: 656 3600 9864

Password: 257533

Find your local number: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/u/cbqT4C5a9A

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