Grades Cartoon Analysis

Grades Cartoon Analysis

per Kathrin Zöller -
Nombre de respostes: 0

Dear all,

The grades of your second assignment can now be found online. I anonymized them by using the first three digits of your matriculation number. 

As you can see from the grades, your performances with regard to cartoon analysis were less than stellar. Only few of you managed to submit a convincing paper that also meets the standards in terms of language. 

In order to improve your language skills, the best thing you can do is spend a year abroad. If that is not possible for whatever reason (financial, family, etc.), make sure to surround yourself with English as much as possible, e.g. by reading English books, magazines, newspapers, by watching movies and shows in English, by finding a tandem partner or someone you can talk English to on a regular basis. Try to imitate the language your read and hear. Try not only to look up new words but also use them in sentences. Sit down and work with texts to identify collocations and idiomatic phrases. Then apply them. There are books that help you to do so. 

As future English teachers you have a responsibility to gain the best command of English as you possibly can. For most of us, this doesn't come easy and requires time, effort and hard work - as Jauch rightly points out in his interview.

Best of luck,


PS. I'll let you know, when and where you can pick up your final papers (summary).