Opcions d'inscripció

IT-Security seminar will not be taking place for WS20/21.

Topics for IT-Security seminar will be published on 13.4.2020 at 10am.

Registration process starts right after. To apply send an email to ala-eddine.ben-yahya@uni-wuerzburg.de with the topics of interest.
Note that places are limited and there is no guarantee that the chosen topic is still available. Therefore, we recommend that you send more than one topic in the application.

Preliminary assignment is carried out on the basis of the "first come - first served" principle.
The final topic assignment will be after the introductory meeting.

Kick-off meeting and presentations:
Due to COVID-19 crisis, kick-off meeting and presentations will be held online in Zoom.
Further information is handed in later.

List of topics: (All topics are taken)

• Adversarial Machine learning and data poisoning attacks (taken)
• Federated Approach for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning (taken)
• Group-oriented encryption for IoT applications (taken)
• Meltdown attacks on modern processors (taken)
• ML methods for malware detection and their limitations (taken)
• Mobile app fingerprinting on encrypted data (taken)
• Remote attestation for low-end devices (taken)
• Rowhammer attacks and countermeasures (taken)
• Secure software update on embedded (or IoT) systems (taken)
• UI-hijacking attacks on Android (taken)
• Voltage-based attacks against CPUs (taken)
• Vulnerability detection in smart contracts using artificial intelligence and machine learning (taken)

Autoinscripció (Student)
Autoinscripció (Student)