Schema della sezione
This seminar covers recent topics in Natural Language Processing. This term´s seminar is for BSc and MSc students and focuses on Parameter-Efficient Models and Model Training in Modern Natural Language Processing.
In this seminar, you will:
- Select one of the offered subtopics (see Subtopics).
- Read, understand and explore scientific literature (with listed papers as starting points for your analysis)
- Organize the collected knowledge for a meaningful presentation about your topic (15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
- Summarize your topic in a concise report (6 - 8 pages + references)
Each student explores and presents one of the below subtopics. For each topic, prominent papers are provided as a starting point for the seminar exploration. Your presentation and report are based on the provided papers and other work, which you are expected to discover on your own, starting from the given papers. Your goal is to clearly summarize the body of work on the selected subtopic, it's relevance and impact, and draw your own conclusions about the limitations and/or future efforts in this area.
- Sparse Fine-Tuning
- LoRA
- Adapters
- Soft-Prompting
- Hypernetworks
Additional Material
- Survey on modular deep learning:
- Register in the WueCampus2 course
- Attend the kickoff meeting on 24.04.24, 16:30 in Seminarraum 1 in the CAIDAS Building (No. 50)
- Work individually on your topic and get feedback from your supervisor(s)
- Give a meaningful presentation including a Q&A session, mid-July 2024,
- Hand in your final report by the end of July 2024.
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