Overview: This course aims at building a solid knowledge base of core topics in macroeconomics which enables students to analyze various matters in a well-informed and concise way. To do so, the course emphasizes the microfoundation, underlying the dynamic, general, equilibrium models of modern macroeconomics. Students will be able to: state the stylized facts of economic growth and business cycles; build simple models to explain the stylized facts and understand the data; extend the models to analyze problems beyond those considered in class; qualitatively evaluate the effectiveness of alternative macroeconomic policies, and be prepared for specialized courses, e.g., on business cycle theory, growth theory, monetary economics, international economics, and seminars on macroeconomics. The course is also important for more methodology-oriented courses, such as Applied Empirical Macroeconomics.
This is a core course.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Maik Wolters
Lecture: weekly on Mondays, room 124 [Neue Universität, Sanderring 2], 10.15 am - 11.45 am (starting 02.05.2022) - Important note: The lecture starts in the second week of the semester due to the welcoming ceremony for incoming Master students, scheduled for Monday, 25th April.
Exercise Session: weekly on Mondays, room 124 [Neue Universität, Sanderring 2], changed time: 4.00 pm-5.30 pm held by Josefine Quast. Further details will follow.
Final Exam: 17.08.2022, 10:30-11:30 am, HS 414.
For the mock exam, see:
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