Résumé de section

    • We will integrate a number of practice sessions, which are small hands-on demonstrations and explorations of the concepts introduced in our course. Feel free to bring your notebook and test them for yourself!

      In order to provide an always up-to-date repository of material, and to give you an idea how software developers professionally manage source code, we share all material in a single gitLab repository. You can find the link to this repository below. 

      In the practice sessions on Friday, we will give an intro on how to use the concurrent versioning system git to close and synchronize this repository. You will first need to install git, which is freely available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Please refer to this explanation how to install git.

      Once you have installed git, you can open the command line window or terminal of your operating system. Navigate to the folder where you want to store the files and execute

      > git clone https://gitlab2.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/ml4nets_notebooks/2024_wise_infhaf_notebooks.git

      Once you have obtained a local clone of the repository, you can update the files by navigating to the folder and executing: 

      > git pull


    • This is the link to the gitLab Repository, which you can use to obtain the up-to-date material used during the lecture's practice sessions.