Résumé de section
This file contains the lecture slides of all lectures in a single flie, with bookmarks for individual chapters
The weekly lectures of our course "Introduction to Informatics" will take place each Tuesday from 18:15 - 19:45 in lecture 0.002 in the Z6 building. A map is available here. This lecture is for all students, especially those taking the 5 ECTS (2+2 SWS) course "Introduction to Informatics for Jurists".
For those students who take the 10 ECTS (4+2 SWS) course "Introduction to Informatics for Students from all Faculties", there is an additional weekly lecture held on Friday, 10:15 - 11:45 in Seminar Room 2 in the CAIDAS building 50, which is located in Emil-Fischer-Strasse 50 on Campus Hubland Nord.
The first lecture will be held in the second week of the lecture period on Tuesday, October 22nd 18:15 in lecture hall 0.002 in building Z6 on Campus Hubland.
For those students who will not be able to be in Würzburg at the beginning of the semester, we will hold the first few lectures in a hybrid format via Zoom. Please use the following Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 633 1142 5231
Password: 327809 -
Please indicate by next Wednesday (13.11.) which time slots work best for you and whether you are taking the 10 or 5 ECTS course.
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Navigationsleiste - Rechenzentrum: Data center icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Website Support: Consultant icons created by Vitaly Gorbachev - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Häufige Fragen: Files and folders icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lehre Digital: Training icons created by vectorspoint - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Forschung Digital: Research icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lecture: Video icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 2 - WueLogin: Login icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 3 - Upgrade WueCampus 4.4: Update icons created by Freepik - Flaticon