Résumé de section
We will begin today's class with a little bit of fun: your elevator pitches. I look forward to seeing how creative you have been in conceiving a company and designing a pitch! Since we are perennially behind schedule, we will use the rest of class to catch up. This means, no text to read for today's lesson: a small Christmas present from me:). Since it is the 23rd of December and some of you will have already embarked on your journey home for the holidays, today's lesson will be offered in hybrid form. The password for the Zoom meeting is:
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Navigationsleiste - WueStudy: University icons created by justicon - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Rechenzentrum: Data center icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Website Support: Consultant icons created by Vitaly Gorbachev - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Häufige Fragen: Files and folders icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lehre Digital: Training icons created by vectorspoint - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Forschung Digital: Research icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lecture: Video icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 2 - WueLogin: Login icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 3 - Upgrade WueCampus 4.4: Update icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Rechenzentrum: Data center icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Website Support: Consultant icons created by Vitaly Gorbachev - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Häufige Fragen: Files and folders icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lehre Digital: Training icons created by vectorspoint - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Forschung Digital: Research icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon
Navigationsleiste - Lecture: Video icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 2 - WueLogin: Login icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Werbefeld 3 - Upgrade WueCampus 4.4: Update icons created by Freepik - Flaticon