Demokurs: Approach to the Basics of Calculus - ENGLISH


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Modul I: Sequenzes and Limits

  • Sequenzes - basics
  • Recursive sequences
  • Some important sequences
  • Divergence, convergence, limits
  • Characteristics of difference sequences
  • Exercises

Modul II: Functions

  • Linear und Quadratic Functions
  • Power functions, Polynomials and Power Series
  • The Exponential function and Growth
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Multivariable Functions
  • Curves and Maps

Modul III: Properties of Functions

  • Limit of a function
  • Limits and Continuity
  • Properties of Continuous Functions
  • Exercises

Modul IV: Differentiation

  • The Derivative
  • Properties of the Derivative
  • Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
  • The Cain Rule
  • The Exponential Function and the Logarithm
  • Extremal Value Problems
  • Exercises