English in Asia
Course contacts:
Ninja Schulz
SS23: VL American Studies_Immigration_Raphael-Hernandez
Course contacts:
Heike Raphael-Hernandez
SS23: Good news and the not-yet
Course contacts:
Heike Raphael-Hernandez
SS23: Black Filmmakers
Course contacts:
Heike Raphael-Hernandez
SS23:Advanced Grammar_Gruppe 07;08 -
Course contacts:
Kathrin Zöller
SS23:Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch _Gruppe 02;05;06 -
Course contacts:
Kathrin Zöller
SS23:Writing 1 for LA Students (formerly Text Production 1) _Gruppe 08 -
Course contacts:
Kathrin Zöller
(Hi)Storytelling in Graphic Narratives
Course contacts:
Sophie Renninger
SS23: Scottish Poetry (Dieter Koch)
Course contacts:
HK Englit
Dieter Koch
SS23:Seminare Theoretische Ausrichtung I_Pragmatics
Course contacts:
Lisa Lehnen
SS23:Tutorial: Introduction to American Cultural Studies_Gruppe 02 - Staab
Course contacts:
Sophia Staab
SS23:Tutorial: Introduction to American Cultural Studies_Gruppe 05 - Ehrenfeld
Course contacts:
Lukas Ehrenfeld
SS23:Tutorial: Introduction to American Cultural Studies_Gruppe 07 - Staab
Course contacts:
Sophia Staab
SS23:Tutorial: Introduction to American Cultural Studies_Gruppe 06 - Ehrenfeld
Course contacts:
Lukas Ehrenfeld